Your Baby Session with Lilyroot Studio Photography

So you have a little one? Congratulations!
Children are one of life's greatest blessings! I would love to capture your little ones current milestone. They change so very much during the first year!! Four month sessions are perfect to celebrate their expressions when they learn to push up on their arm during belly time. 6-8 month sessions work best when they can sit stable on their own to celebrate their new view of their surroundings. And of course, around 11-13 months we love to celebrate that first year with a cake smash and splash. See more details on those here. Most clients visit seasonally or annually after they turn one.
It's incredible to see how much they grow and change during their first year!
Scheduling your session at least 2-3 months before the upcoming milestone allows time to plan your customized sets. We can still take last minute sessions but customization is limited.